Previous Lecture Notes
Here are the lecture notes for Fall, 2019. They are a mixture of the notes for sections X01 and X02.
- Section 2.1
- Section 2.2– I also did a 10-minute explainer for Non-integer Decimal <-> Binary Conversion
- Section 2.3
- We also completed the Tchebysheff and Empirical Rule Handout.
- Section 2.4
- Section 3.1
- We also covered the Sampling Plans Handout plus Exercises.
- Section 3.2
- Section 3.3
- Test 1 covers the material up to this point.
- Section 4.1
- Section 4.2
- We also covered the Contingency Tables handout.
- Section 4.3
- Section 5.1
- Section 5.2
- Section 5.3
- We also covered the Standard Normal Tables Exercises.
- Section 5.4
- Test 2 covers the material up to this point.